Exhibit Hall & Stith Room Exhibits
Viewing Hours: Thursday, July 31st - Saturday, August 2nd, 9am-8pm and Sunday, August 3rd, 9am-2pm.
Exhibitor Entry
Quilt Registration & Entry is in the Exhibit Hall (East Door) on Friday, July 25th, 2025 from 10am to 2pm.
Quilt Judging is in the Stith Room on Saturday, July 26th, 2025, beginning at 1pm.
Exhibitor Registration is in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday, July 29th, 2025 from 1pm - 8pm.
Exhibitor Judging is Wednesday, July 30th, 2025.
Bring entries to the Archuleta County Fairgrounds, CSU Extension Building, 344 Highway 84, Pagosa Springs, CO
How to Enter:
​Read the Open Class Rules & Regulations.
Find the department for the item you plan to exhibit.
Read the instructions, pre-registration information, and the early entry deadlines.
Make your best choice and bring exhibitor entries to the Fair on Tuesday, July 29th, 2025.
Online Exhibitor registration must be completed by July 29th, 2025: Open class entries can use the Fair's online system to enter their projects, just go to our Fair Entry link above.
It's simple and easy to use. If you're new, create an account. If you already have an account, just login. All 4-H families: login with your 4-H account.
Exhibitor entries due on Tuesday, July 29th, 2025, 1pm-8pm
All non-perishable items must be left with the Superintendent on Tuesday, July 29th, 2025, 1pm-8pm.
All perishable items must also be registered on Tuesday, July 29th, 2025, 1pm-8pm, and brought to the Fairgrounds and left with the Superintendent on Wednesday, July 30th, 2025, 7:30am-9am.
Please remove all of your exhibits from the Fairgrounds on Sunday, August 3, 2025 from 2pm-4pm. Any exhibitor who removes any entry prior to 2pm on Sunday will forego all premiums and ribbons and will be excluded from exhibiting in the following year’s Fair.