Livestock Shows & Auction

The Hughes Pavilion is where the animal action is
Thursday, August 1st
​9:00 am 4-H/FFA Goat Show, Open, Showmanship
10:00 am 4-H Alpaca Show
11:00 am 4-H/FFA Poultry Show, Open, Showmanship
6:00 pm 4-H/FFA Swine Show, Showmanship
Friday, August 2nd
9:00 am 4-H/FFA Lamb Show, Open, Showmanship
11:00 am 4-H/FFA Turkey Show, Showmanship
6:00 pm 4-H/FFA Beef Show/Showmanship
​Saturday, August 3rd
8:30 am 4-H/FFA Showmanship Clinic
10:00 am Master Showmanship
5:30 pm 4-H Livestock Auction Bidder/Add-On Registration
6:30 pm 4-H Livestock Auction
​Sunday, August 4th
9:00 am Parent /Master Showmanship
Registration for Bidder and Add-on's begins at 5:30 pm
Annual 4-H Livestock Auction - Saturday, August 3, 6:30 pm
This is showtime....when all the hard work pays off. Please support our 4-H Kids. The dollars brought in can change lives.
FILL THE FREEZER - Buyers obtain quality beef, lamb, pork, goat, turkey, chicken, and rabbit at an attractive price. A quality animal at the auction may actually cost you less than buying your meat at the supermarket. Businesses can use their purchases for employee barbeques, family get-togethers, client gifts, or just good home eating.
PACKERS BID - Market price will be established the night of the sale by a packer’s bid. If you do not want the meat, you may sell the animal you purchased to the packer. The amount you paid over market price is tax deductible as advertisement.
Example Packer Bid – Beef = $.60/lb. (hypothetical)
Your Bid of $2.50/lb. X 1000 lbs. = $2,500
Packer Bid of $ .60/lb. X 1000 lbs. = $600
DONATION—If you do not want the meat, you may also choose to donate it to someone else for a fundraiser, needy family, or a local food pantry.
ADD-ONS - It's extremely expensive to raise an animal to its best level. Feed alone can 'break the bank.' Anyone can Add-on to a purchase price of an animal. Add-ons ensure the 4-H'er makes the investment back and is able to compete next year with a quality animal. As a supporter of 4-H, you have the opportunity to Add-on to the purchase price of any or every animal as well as any or every 4-H member as a donation and reward. You may do this at any time during the Auction.
CALL the Extension Office to Add-on now: 970-264-5931 or email: RJacobson@Archuletacounty.org
JOIN THE BUYERS CLUB - The Buyers Club allows you to support the kids without having to attend the fair, or you can attend the Fair and learn the process. Monies are pooled together to purchase an animal that may not be purchased otherwise. CALL the Extension Office to join now: 970-264-5931 or email: RJacobson@Archuletacounty.org